"The objective of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape and find oneself in the lines of the madmen." - Marcus Aurelius


Dead Man Hoodie

So Salmon and I bounce ideas off each other. This is nothing new. She's the one who got me started on painting hoodies, after all. And so here comes another one! This one, like the Gallahad shirt, is based on {...} from Hanna is Not A Boy's Name. So first you need materials:

For me, that means that black hoodie I've been meaning to find something to do with, and fabric paint. White definitely, but I couldn't decide between the neon and the regular green. I have no idea what the difference is between matte and velveteen, so whatever. I tried the neon first, because it's closer to the color I wanted, but it has this weird gold sparkly to it and it doesn't layer well, so I ended up mixing colors to get what I wanted. Oh, and brushes! A word to the wise: you won't be able to use the brushes you use with fabric paint with any other paint. I mean, you could, but they're permanently at least a little fudged up. They never clean up like acrylics, and the bristles go all wonky.

First step was the autopsy scar, because let's face it: they're awesome. And {...} totally has one. You know he does. We see peeks of it beneath his collar all the time. So there's the basic Y shape, with some stitches. Because I know myself, and I know I'm messy, I covered the zipper with tape before I started painting. Good thing, too.

At the end of the first chapter, Adelaide takes {...}'s right arm off just above the elbow, and Hanna sews it back on. So that's what's on the right arm! But, you know, all the way around.

And then I needed something for the back. But what? Besides the orange shirt, stitches and a paper crane, what is really iconic of {...}? And then it hit me. Near the middle of the second chapter, {...} gets posessed by Lee's ghost, and when Hanna tells Lee to GTFO, Lee asks Hanna:
So, ladies and gents, the back:
The last part is a little off center, but whatever. I love it, and that's what counts. And lastly (and this is what started the whole idea) is the cross with wings. Hanna and {...} are partners in Hanna's paranormal investigating business, so it only makes sense that I make some sort of icon to commemorate that. And so I did:

And there you have the Dead Man hoodie! More pictures to come once I bribe my brothers into taking them for me :3

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