"The objective of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape and find oneself in the lines of the madmen." - Marcus Aurelius


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So there's this thing called Life, right? It sneaks up on you and SHAZAM- everything is topsy-turvy. Yeahhhh that's what happens here irl. So! Haven't done a lot of sewing, since I had to leave the sewing machine at the dorms over winter break. I got a new one for Christmas, but I almost wish I kept the old one, because new things have not gone through everything and anything and therefore lack resiliency and I have no idea what to do when something goes wrong. So we'll see how quickly I can get this snag fixed and be back on the bandwagon! Because, let's see, I made a Christmas dress, and Salmon's Xmas present (which I'm refraining from posting pics of because I haven't yet managed to get it to her. BUT OH GOD GUYS I AM SO EXCITEDDDD), and there are some other things in the works, but for now, I enjoy having people who want to see and hang out with me every day, despite not having any time to myself for a while. Like, a week.

That can't be a bad thing, though, right?

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