"The objective of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape and find oneself in the lines of the madmen." - Marcus Aurelius



Forgot I had a blog HAHAHA

So here! Have some pics from Dragon*Con 2012! I went as Adelaide, as always. But it's been so long since HiNaBN's updated, and I just... get tired of the same costume with nothing new to go off of. Adelaide will always be my favorite, but she's more of a closet cosplay now.

And human!Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony

...with Doubting Salmon as my Twilight Sparkle

And revamped steampunk medic
And that was D*Con 2012! Shout out to my ducklings who got engaged on their 3-year anniversary of meeting at the Con. You know who you are, lovelies ;)


Summer time lovin'...

...lovin' in the summer time! :D (points if you get the reference)

So it's getting hot out. And that sucks because I can't show off all the awesome long-sleeved button downs I made. But sewing never stops, so I've been making some more summer-y stuff. Hopefully I can get some pics up soon, but I'm always forgetting my camera :( So we'll see how that goes.

In the mean time, everyone enjoy your Passover/Easter/Ostara!


Lolita Week

So this week has basically turned into a week of lolita-wearing shenanigans. This is what I wore today:

I made everything I'm wearing. The apron jumper skirt was an idea based off a Victorian Maiden design here in solid color, and here in floral prints. A couple differences: I didn't do a pleated skirt, replaced the back corset lacing with ties, and added a 3-layer bustle. Because I have an butt, which I sometimes forget, the skirt ends a little short in the back, and honestly was a little short all around, which is why you can see my petticoat peeking out. But damn, if I didn't feel awesome.
My hair accessories came from Claire's, because really, that store is fantastic. I tend to stick to less dramatic hairstyles, and I typically abstain from products and putting my hair up, since the process always takes more than a half hour and I ran out of time this morning anyway. So it's a good thing I like braids. Just a simple french braid to one side and I'm good to go. Also wore green tights and initially white maryjanes, but I don't usually wear heels and I walk around an urban campus all day, so they had to be replaced with green flats.

And surprise!

My new boots came in :)


Yellow Redeux

So the first thing I ever sewed on my own was a yellow sundress. It was a bad choice of fabrics, but my heart was set. So this past summer I remade it, this time with a liner of the same fabric to reduce see-through-ness. What came out was this:
worn with the short-sleeve lolita blouse I made here
The dress itself isn't lolita, and although it can fit a petticoat, it doesn't look very good doing so. But there's this idea of a "Casual Lolita" that I've really started to fall in love with. It's like lolita, but you don't necessarily have to dress to the nines every time you go out, which makes it a lot easier to dress in something lolita-esque pretty much every day. This is a fantastic idea to me, because I love the fashion, but more often than not I am a lazy slob who throws on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to go to class in the mornings. This is somewhere in the middle of those two, and it's something I think I may start doing more of.
And this was my finished ensemble for the day! That black bolero is the only jacket I've gotten around to making so far, so I wore black flats to help tie it in a little. My bag never matches anything I wear, but it's so me I think it doesn't necessarily matter, especially when I go so casual with the fashion like this.

This is gonna be my lolita week, so watch out for pics of the things I made over spring break!